[Private Beta]

[Only Google Chrome and macOS supported for now]

⭐️ The extension is fully open source. Star it to support us! ⭐️

Table of contents

How does it work?

The browser terminal consists of 2 parts

  1. Browser extension
  2. Devbook daemon

The browser extension is the “frontend” part of the browser terminal. It renders UI and handles things like user input. It doesn’t have access to your local filesystem or terminal sessions by itself though. For that the extensions needs the Devbook daemon. The daemon is a small program that you install on your computer that sits there in background and provides a localhost server that listens on a port.

When you open the browser terminal through the extension, the extension connects to the daemon’s server and a new terminal session is then allocated. You then can control that terminal session right from your browser.

👉 Installation 👈

What you will need to do

  1. Install Devbook daemon
  2. Install Devbook browser extension

1. Install Devbook daemon